Here for your success

At Concordia, we believe that you have been called “to share your gifts and talents in the service of others, to make an uncommon impact in a common world.” For those of us who work as academic advisors at CU, we get to help you take that from an abstract statement and mold it into tangible works; what we call ‘vocation.’ Whether you are a student who has always known “what you want to do when you grow up” or have long been undecided about your academic and career plans, we want to accompany you on this vocational journey.

Whether you’re an incoming freshman or nearing your final semester, your Academic Advisor is here to help. We want you to succeed – in school and life. That’s why we’ll help you establish educational goals, navigate coursework, and tackle any obstacles that may come up. If we can’t help you, we’ll put you in touch with the resources you need to reach success.

Academic Advising at Concordia University empowers the intellectual, spiritual, and personal growth of all students by providing comprehensive support toward the development, implementation, and fulfillment of vocational goals.

Connecting with your advisor

We don’t have a centralized office, because we’re always out “in the field,” serving students across campus. But we want to connect you with your advisor to help meet your needs. If you're a traditional undergraduate student you'll be assigned a faculty or professional advisor just before the start of your first semester. If you're a graduate student, you will be assigned an advisor from within your department.

Meet the Professional Academic Advising Team

Kara Alfano

Kara Alfano

Academic Advisor, Ronald and Marvel Jones School of Nursing, School of Education
Click here to schedule an appointment with Kara Alfano

Samantha Capuzzi

Samantha Capuzzi

Academic Advisor, Haab School of Business
Click here to schedule an appointment with Samantha Capuzzi

Kim Anderson

Kim Anderson

Academic Advisor, School of Arts and Sciences, School of Health Professions
Click here to schedule an appointment with Kim Anderson.

Aubree Woelber

Aubree Woelber

Academic Advisor for Dual Credit Programs
Click here to schedule an appointment with Aubree Woelber.